Skip of New York


SKIP of New York is a lifeline for families at the end of their rope, providing the hope and real help they need to put their lives together and move forward.

Here’s why SKIP:

  • Better outcomes: A hospital is a great place to cure a child. But, it’s no place for a child to live. Children need to be home with their families. Caring family members are an essential part of the healing process. They have an emotional commitment no one else can match.
  • Less Expensive: Caring for a child at home costs a fraction of hospital or institutional care – on average 80% less. SKIP gets kids home, helps parents stay in their homes and gets parents back to work by providing the support families need.
  • Complicated health care delivery system: Caring for a seriously ill or developmentally disabled child at home is overwhelming. What services are available? Where do you find them let alone find the money to pay for them? Is there even anyone to talk with? SKIP helps families cope with the mind boggling emotional, financial and logistical aspects of caring for a special needs child at home.
  • Bureaucracy: With constantly changing systems and filing requirements, SKIP stays on top of what is needed so that families maintain services for their children with disabilities.
  • Advocacy: SKIP keeps an eye on every agency and aspect of the healthcare delivery system that impacts our families. We are not afraid to bite when it is warranted and no, to us, is merely a starting point.